Old Warden July Evening Show - Gallery

With the face of UK airshows changing considerably over recent years, part of the enjoyment from a photographic perspective has been removed. With display-distances as far back as ever, it’s very difficult to come away from many venues with satisfactory results on every occasion. That is with the exception of one.

Old Warden, home of the Shuttleworth Collection, has become famous for its evening airshows, as a wide array of Edwardian to World War Two aircraft take to the twilight skies.

The most recent edition, held in the middle of July, was opened by the Collection’s Hawker Sea Hurricane and Gloster Gladiator, and concluded with the Avro Triplane and Bristol Boxkite taking to the air.

One of the most enjoyable factors of an Old Warden show is the ability to be able to get up-close to the aircraft, as well as the chance the interact with the pilots, something unique to the venue. That’s where the photographic appeal lies.

Below is a short selection of images, which hopefully do the venue justice, and show you why I’m looking forward to my next visit.