Introducing myself

Firstly, welcome to my new website!

My name is James Hancock, and I am (soon to be) a graduate journalist and photographer from southern England. Having completed three years as a student, I feel that this website ought to be a culmination of the skills I have picked up through my course and showcasing my work.

This will come in many ways, but primarily sharing my photographic work with the wide world. Whilst every photographer hopes to be well rounded and cover a wide variety of topics, I can make no bones about the fact that most of what you will see will feature either cars, or planes, or both if you're really lucky. Both of these subjects interest me greatly, and have done since a young age, but being able to bring them in to my photographic practice has brought them in to a different light, and also opened up new opportunities for me. 

The aim of this blog is to become one of those opportunities, combine my work with my interests, and share it with what will hopefully one day be an audience beyond friends and family, and allow me to make inroads in to furthering my career. 

En Espana.jpg

I realise it's nice to put a face to a name, so the above is a rare picture of me taken on my recent holiday to Spain.

What I hope to do with this blog is to share some of the events, trips and adventures I embark on, and write up about them, mainly from a photographic perspective but also bringing in some review type views too.

The first of these will be coming soon, looking at my experience at the NATO Tiger Meet at Landivisiau, France, later on this week.  

Thanks for taking the time to visit, I hope you like what you see and keep an eye on things to come.
